by Eila Goldhahn:

(Un)marked Boxes

Obliteration and the fear of death are important aspects of collective narratives and the survival of the human species is a deeply inscribed, instinctual concern, surfacing with great power at times of environmental peril, war and willful human destruction. Societies and their collective experiences contain an energy, whether mystical or scientific, to try to determine the course of the human and planetary history. Experiences of collective movement and dance and an imagined collective body inspired these installations with packing crates. In the face of the current climatic and geopolitical tensions this work seems all too real.
Material: wooden crates
Works shown at: Dartington Trust, UK
Delamore Arts, UK

Auslöschung und die Angst vor dem Tod waren stets wichtige Aspekte kollektiven Erzählens, da das Überleben der Menschheit als Spezies von tief eingeschriebener, instinktiver Besorgnis ist. Gesellschaften und ihre kollektive Erfahrungen beinhalten unter anderem die Energie den Verlauf der menschlichen und planetaren Geschichte zu versuchen zu determinieren. Erfahrungen mit kollektiver Bewegung und Tanz und einem imaginären kollektivem Körper inspirierten diese Installationen mit Verpackungskisten. Die gegenwärtige Pandemie und geopolitische Krise verleihen den Installationen eine allzu realistische Relevanz.

© 2024 Eila Goldhahn. All rights reserved.

In these works Eila Goldhahn reflects aspects of biological, ecological and social sciences, informed by her personal practice of embodiment. She garners her creativity sourced in the “depth of the body” (CG Jung) through movement and meditation as in the method  MoverWitness ( Discipline of Authentic Movement), which she also teaches and researches.

Chromosome boards, friezes

Genetics und epigenetics mirror individual and collective experiences and inscriptions across life spans and  evolutionary times. In these works chromosomes are visualised as an analogy to the moving body itself. As friezes they form generational, metaphoric pathways into an archeological past, an anthropocene present and a yet unknown human future.
Material: handmade iron nails, wax and pigment on floor boards
Works shown at: Anatomical Museum  University Erlangen
Kunstraum Weissenhohe Nürnberg
Embassy Rhineland-Palatinate Bruxelles
Haus am Dom Frankfurt

Genetik und Genomik spiegeln individuelle und kollektive Erfahrungen und Einschreibungen über eine Lebensspanne sowie über evolutionäre Zeiträume. In der künstlerischen Formensprache bilden Chromosomen eine Analogie zum sich bewegenden, menschlichen Körper. Die Friese bilden generationsübergreifende, metaphorische Wegspuren für eine archeologische Vergangenheit, eine anthropozäne Gegenwart und eine noch unbekannte menschliche Zukunft.

© 2024. Eila Goldhahn & Stuart J Young. All rights reserved.


The haptic contact with materials leaves imprints  of physical movements in the emerging sculptures. These visible forms are like an echo of the movement: they mirror the fleeting performance with the  material. They touch upon the beginnings of embryonic movement: form and folding of early developmental stages like blastula and gastrula.
Material: steel wire and gauze
Works shown at: Dartington College of Arts UK
Kunsthalle Halle
Kunstverein Basis Frankfurt
Open Studios South Devon U
Development grant for the upcycling of pocket springs with support from the  University Plymouth UK

Durch den körperlichen Kontakt mit Materialien enstehen Abdrücke von Bewegungen in Skulpturen. Diese Formen ähneln einem Echo: sie spiegeln die Begegnung von flüchtigen Ereignissen mit Materialien. Sie deuten auch auf den Anfang von embryonalen Bewegungen an, nämlich die Formung und Faltung in frühen Entwicklungsstadien wie Blastula und Gastrula.              
Material: Stahldraht und Gaze
Dartington College of Arts UK
Kunsthalle Halle
Kunstverein Basis Frankfurt
Open Studios South Devon UK

Entwicklungszuschuss für die Wiederverwertung von Federkern in Designkontexten und Produkten mit freundlicher Unterstützung der University Plymouth UK

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) ( --- MoverWitness --- ( )

Practice and Training in the Discipline of Authentic Movement

What is Authentic Movement?
“A person moves with her eyes closed and is observed by another person, a witness. The mover is free to follow her inner impulses in a self-directed way, whilst the witness holds still and silently bears witness to this ‘authentic’ movement. A subsequent, formalised dialogue between the two delivers the moved and the seen to verbal consciousness. This is the ground form in Authentic Movement. Its elegant framework holds embodied expressions and verbal recall within an atmosphere of warm acceptance. Participants explore their inner worlds through gesture and movement, and experience being seen in this without judgement. Further, Authentic Movement’s particular way of using language allocates participants’ unique experiences to the self-agency of each individual.”
From:  Reflections of Authentic Movement: Theory, Practice and Arts-led Research (Eila Goldhahn 2022)

Participant’s feed-back:
“Whether it was through moving or talking I felt safe to express myself and I am blown away by how this practice can mean so different things to each of us and depending on our experiences of life. It encourages me to continue exploring what it means for me both in a spiritual and artistic way without constantly repeating to myself that I am "weird" in a negative way.  I could see an instant change in me just after I left, as I walked through town with less fear and keeping my head up amongst the crowd felt far more natural, like a beautiful right to be.“  

The Teacher
Dr Eila Goldhahn was a personal student of Dr Janet Adler, the founder of the Discipline of Authentic Movement. Eila is a compassionate, experienced and knowledgable guide. Rooted in her prior study of contemporary dance at Dartington with Mary Fulkerson (Release) and Steve Paxton (Contact Improvisation), she has an artistic eye paired with a solid, somatic understanding of the body in movement.
Eila’s research received, internationally, the first PhD in Authentic Movement from the University of Plymouth and Dartington College of Arts. She coined the term MoverWitness providing an alternative for the contentious term “authentic”, giving examples of new applications of her non-binary method in art and dance making and in science and eco-systems thinking. Her academic book Reflections of Authentic Movement: Theory, Practice and Arts-led Research (Routledge 2022) has been very favourably reviewed. Jump to book reviews

The Formats

Individual study- 
Introductory Days-
MoverWitness Circles-

All enquiries regarding Authentic Movement / MoverWitness directly to Eila 

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